Sunday, August 7, 2011

Should Ward 5 Have Smaller ANC's?

At our August 5th meeting, the biggest unanswered question was how the ward should be divided into ANCs. Should we continue to have 3 large ANCs (each with 12 commissioners) or a larger number of ANCs, which would mean smaller numbers of commissioners in each one. Smaller ANCs could cover a couple neighborhoods, while continuing with the current breakdown means each ANC covers a wider range of neighborhoods.

To weigh in take the poll located on the sidebar.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Task Force Members

Ayawna C. Webster, Chair
Anita Bonds, Co-Chair
Anthony Hood, Co-Chair
Michael Henderson, Recording Secretary
John Washington, Parliamentarian
Robert "Bob" King, Sgt-at-Arms
Tim Clark, Social Media Coordinator

Terri Johnson
Geoff Hatchard
Dorris Newton
Jacqueline Manning
Camile Tucker 
Sylvia Pinkney
Tim Thomas
Janae Grant 
John Washington
Robin Coates
Robert Vinson Brannum
Wanda Duarte
Geovani Bonilla
Caroline Petti
Sandi Washington 
Ronald Evans 
Regina James 
Mark Jones
Pierpont Mobley
Eric Magwood 
Albrette "GiGi" Ransom 
Herman Preston, III
Brian Kerr
Angel Alston
Shelly Parker
Anthon Nolen

At-Large Appointees
Grace J. Lewis